Hello, my name is Rubén Maté and I'm a front end developer from Spain
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I'm a last year student of Computer Science degree in Burgos University. I love everything related to coding and learning new programming languages and frameworks but I'm mostly learning web development.
My developer workflow revolves around the terminal and I have my own Neovim config and dotfiles.
Thanks for stopping by!


Pokedex App:Project to experiment with a fullstack aproach to web development. It uses a stack consisting of Next.js, tRPC and Tailwind.
Source code on GitHub
My own homepage:Built with Next.js as a React framework and ChakraUI (an accesible library for React components)
To-Do App:Simple To-Do List app written in React. Built for learning the React fundamentals with Typescript. It is also using Vite and Tailwind CSS.
Source code on GitHub


Web Presence

© 2022 Rubén Maté | Design inspired by crafztdog